How to Upload videos / photos in Facebook

Facebook is a world largest social network. Mostly Facebook users upload photos or videos and share with friends.
Today I show you step by step, how you upload your photos or videos in your Facebook profile.

Follow these five steps to upload Video or Photos

Step 1: Login in your Facebook account.(for login click here)
Step 2: After Login, Click  Add Photo/Video at the top of your home page as in below image.

Step 3: Now a windows is open, Select the image or video format files you want to upload. You can upload multiple photos or videos at once, hold down the Control (Ctrl) button on your Keyboard, or the Command button on your Mac, while clicking the image or video files.

Step 4: Now your Album start the Photo or Video Uploading in Facebook, While your photos or videos are uploading, 
Write an album title and description. 
Use the audience selector to choose who can see the album (Note: If you tag people, their friends will be able to see the pictures they’re tagged in).
Add captions, tags, and locations to photos as each one finishes uploading
Step 5: Check the progress bar at bottom to see the estimated remaining time for your album upload. When it's complete, click Post Photos.
Congratulation, you successfully upload your photos in Facebook profile, now you can share this album with any one or specific peoples if you want.

If you have any idea or any problem then give comments in following comments form. we respect your comments.
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