Kitchen faucet thinks different

This water faucet talks.(Credit: Tyent USA)

Gadgets and devices of all shapes and sizes have become quite adept at giving us what we want when we want it (and more than a little of what we don't want). But whatever "it" may be, it is something that is easy to take for granted. This on-demand access and availability for whatever our hearts desire may be baked into all of our mobile devices, but for stationary objects, the concept is still spreading. Like to the kitchen faucet.

Way back when running water was somehow magically introduced through a series of pipes into our abodes, the achievement must have been hailed as nothing short of spectacular. However, as transformative as this success may have been, there were not a whole lot of options for what came out of the tap.

The Tyent UCE-9000 Turbo Under-Counter Extreme Water Ionizer changes the way we can view something as common as running water. Designed to deliver water at specific pH levels, the technology allows for users to get exactly what they want when they want it, on demand. Oh, and it looks like an iPhone.

From the Tyent USA Web site:
Users will instantly notice an unbelievable, new style that features a colored touch screen modeled [on] Apple's iPhone on an above-counter faucet with a beautiful chrome finish!

Perhaps it looks more like any generic mobile or tablet app, but it doesn't hurt to throw the Apple comparison around. Especially considering that this kitchen faucet talks. The "voice-guided service" (thankfully unnamed) along with the specialized nature of this device combine to give it a rather high early adopter fee; the faucet costs $2,795.

The benefits of such a device are up to the individual user. Water is channeled through filters and platinum and titanium electrodes underneath the surface of the counter. The water that comes out of the tap is highly acidic or highly alkaline and is meant to be used for drinking (alkaline) or cleaning (acidic). You know who you are if this appeals to you.

The takeaway here is that with this specialized kitchen gadget, water in the home has been taken to a whole new level. Will it catch on? Maybe. Maybe not. But in any event, the company does offer a "lifetime guarantee," which is considerably longer than any projected utility we can expect from our mobile devices. Even the ones that think different.

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July 1, 2013 at 12:08 PM ×

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Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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