How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline NOW

You’ve been hearing about all the wonderful new Facebook features, and like us, you’re probably super-eager to get started with them.
If you’re willing to go through a series of eight steps, you can get into the brand-new Facebook Timeline right now.
Simply follow the instructions in our gallery below, and suddenly you’ll be basking in a new world of Facebook goodness, just like the developers are. Follow the instructions carefully, and good luck.
Please note: If you haven’t already verified your Facebook account with either a mobile phone number or credit card number, you’ll be asked to do so before you can try the new features. If you need more help with that,here’s a helpful link.
First, you’ll need to go to the Facebook developer page, which is a part of your Facebook account. Make sure you’re logged into your Facebook account, and then simply follow this link to get started.

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