Twitter Co-Founders Want to Help Unlock Human Potential With New App

Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams have announced their first project since leaving Twitter: a partnership with Lift, a new app designed to unlock the human potential.

The project falls under the domain of Obvious Corporation, an entity founded by Williams in the mid-2000s to support his various projects.Obvious was revived earlier this year with Biz Stone and former Twitter VP of Product Jason Goldman as co-founders.

“Our approach is threefold: Build, partner, and invest,” Stone said in a blog post. “We’ve started working on some ideas ourselves, we’re researching how best to create an investment vehicle, and today we’re thrilled to announce our first official partnership.”

Their first project is a partnership with with Tony Stubblebine (CrowdVine, Odeo) and Jon Crosby (Path, Songbird). Their new startup is Lift, “an interesting new application for unlocking human potential through positive reinforcement.” Stubblebine and Crosby will be the driving forces behind the project, while Obvious will help with design, strategy, funding and recruiting. In return, Obvious will own equity in Lift.

Obvious and Lift aren’t releasing any more details about the app — it is in private Alpha — but as the first Obvious company, it will have to live up to high expectations. Lift boasts an all-star team, and the support of Twitter’s co-founders will give it an instant audience.

Lift may be Obvious Corporation’s first startup, but it won’t be its last. Williams, Stone and Goldman are just getting started.
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September 2, 2011 at 2:30 AM ×

Super-Duper blog! I am loving it!! Will be back later to read some more. I am taking your feeds also

Congrats bro Shaunna Cordenas you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...